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Posts uit maart, 2019 tonen

Een vol hoofd en een vol hart

Come running through the forest of these thoughts and collapse  into the clearing of grace. Run through the wilderness of who and what di not want you  and realize there is a freedom for you  to still want better things.  It is okay to dream better dreams. Even if what you lost  seemed to be everything.  Because the truth is,  you were always made for more.  You were always made to carry on. through the worst of things,  gathering all the strength you would need  to be who you are today.  Even when you were hurt along the way.  Even when you felt like a prisoner in your very own mind, by grace,  you survived and you still have permission  to roam free.  Roam free into the clearing. Catch your breath. Fall. Rest.  Begin again.  You are allowed to do that.  You are allowed to want more than these current feelings and out in the clearing,  you are allowed to find healing.  - Morgan Harper Nichols -  Wat ik van tevore